

Special Branch


  1. (in Britain) the department of the police force that is concerned with political security

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Example Sentences

Are you unaware of the role agent provocateurs, special branch and MI5 have played in undermining us?

A senior official at the Special Branch then came to see him and suggested Marianne had made the whole story up.

The Special Branch threw a party to celebrate, inviting many members of the security team.

There is no special branch of the service whose duty it is to regulate, centralize and direct the movements of the army.

With these, he could master in very short time any special branch of inquiry, and feel at home in any society.

The science of mental disease is a special branch of medicine; it has the same relation to it as psychology has to physiology.

It was a badge worn by men belonging to a special branch of the secret service of the American Department of State.

Upon his arrival in the island, a special branch cf the Colonial Administration was created.



